07 March 2018

[La Provence]: alertgasoil™ extends on African market

by Julien Endeler

Image La Provence

The journal La Provence talks about us (full Fr article here) :

The French company, world leader of the fuel optimization, is now present in Morocco, Cameroon, Ivory Coast and Senegal.

Économie - Écoplanète - Marseille : alertgasoil s'étend sur le marché africain
The connected solution alertgasoil™ is now available in Africa. 


The French scale-up alertgasoil™ just signs a new partnership with HAFA, specialist of oils and lubricants, automotive and industrial, with the ambition to extend their presence on the francophone African market. Thanks to this agreement, the solution of fuel cost management is now marketed in 4 new countries: Morocco, Cameroon, Ivory Coast and Senegal.